Monday, May 23, 2011

Assignment 3 - Roughs 2

Assignment 3 - Roughs 1

Assigment 3 - Thumb Nails





Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Assignment 3 - Slogans

The Four Sides of Truth

Truths Four Sides

Sides of Truth

Truth’s Sides

Cornering the Truth

Corner of Truth

Cornering of Truth

All Sides of Truth

Balance of Truth

Squaring Up

Squaring Up The Truth

Truth Squaring Up

The Truth Squared

Squared Root of Truth

Four Sides of Truth

Truths Four Sides

The Lines of Truth

10 Resources for Assignment 3

Time For Change- Nuclear Power

funk_phenomenon- Nuclear

How Stuff Works- Nuclear Power

Triple Pundit- Nuclear Energy

SMH- Nuclear Power

European Energy Review- Nuclear pros and cons

Guy LeBas- Environmental Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power

The New Republic- Nuclear Power Pros And Cons

Environment 911- Nuclear Power Pros and Cons

10 Words & Meanings for Assignment 3

Electricity:A fundamental form of kinetic or potential energy created by the free or controlled movement of charged particles such as electrons, positrons, and ions

Carbon Footprint:The amount of carbon dioxide emitted due to the the consumption of fossil fuels by a particular person, group, etc

Nuclear Meltdown:Severe overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor resulting in the core melting and radiation escaping

Greenhouse Gases:A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation, e.g.. carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons

Generations:All of the people who were born at approximately the same time, considered as a group, and especially when considered as having shared interests and attitudes

Global Warming:A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants

Nuclear Radiation:Particulate and electromagnetic radiation emitted from atomic nuclei in various nuclear processes. The important nuclear radiations, from the weapons standpoint, are alpha and beta particles, gamma rays, and neutrons. All nuclear radiations are ionizing radiations, but the reverse is not true; X rays, for example, are included among ionizing radiations, but they are not nuclear radiations since they do not originate from atomic nuclei.

Ignorant:Caused by a lack of knowledge, understanding, or experience

Consequences:Something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions

Deformity:The condition of being disfigured or badly formed

Assignment 3 "Nuclear Energy"

My refine topic on nuclear energy is a pros and cons information advertisement. Seems like ads don’t ever show all sides of the truth, so I want to inform people and let them decide what they think is better. Nuclear energy a critical element in the modern day life and many people don’t even think about it. People today use electricity like it’s a drug without thinking of the consequences behind their everyday actions. Nuclear energy has always been intensely debate, but as the next generations being hooked to their electric devices without thinking about where the electricity really comes from is really disturbing. I want to educate and fire-up the next generations, so they want to debate and think about their life’s.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Creative a word list

Healthy:having the function of maintaining physical and mental well-being among the general public and the administration of medical and related services.

Wholesome:beneficial to physical health, usually by virtue of being fresh and naturally produced
Fruity:relating to, resembling, or reminiscent of fruit
Nutrition:the process of absorbing nutrients from food and processing them in the body in order to keep healthy or to grow
Nutritional:foods, or the minerals, vitamins, and other nourishing substances that they contain
Nutritious:containing minerals, vitamins, and other substances that promote health
Fun:a time or feeling of enjoyment or amusement
Lively:briskly alert and energetic
Playful:fond of having fun and playing games with others
Childish:characteristic of or suitable for a child
Dietetic:prepared to suit the requirements of a special diet
Fresh:natural, pure, and wholesome, especially in smell
Refreshing:serving to restore energy and vitality
Cold:at or with a relatively low, uncomfortably low, or unusually low temperature
Icy:covered in or involving ice
Soothing:to make somebody less angry, anxious, or upset
Decadent:showing uninhibitedly or immorally self-indulgent behavior
Delicious:having an appealing or enjoyable taste or smell
Frozen:made inoperable, damaged, or obstructed by ice or freezing temperatures
Yummy:very appealing to taste or smell
Sweet:containing a relatively large amount of sugar, or retaining some natural sugars

Monday, March 7, 2011

Assignment 2 - Brainstorm

a. Understand the product and company.

Company Name: Pure Delights
Company Type: Local Business to Business Trade

Product: Mexican Paletas
Product Name: Tip Top Nutritional Pops

b. What are the needs and desires?
The first needs are to find a local businesses that would like to sell the companies product. (Example: local school, stores, theme parks and etc.)

c. What are the advertising objectives?
Advertising objectives is to relate the company as a vendor to another business, and then to sell our product to a customer base.

2. Have a campaign concept.
a. Brainstorm as a group
b. What type of advertising are you going to do – visuals, layouts and alternate

For the Local Business to Business Trade we will be using Typography, illustration, photography, and facts about our product for brochures.

As a Vendor to Retail Consumer we will be also using illustration, photography, audio jingle, and facts about our product for signs, websites, and product wrappers.

c. Essentially, what are you going to use to communicate to your viewers?
As a Vendor and Company we will be communicating that our different flavor products are sweet, tasty, fresh, and health treat. Also showing that some of our product are friendly to individuals who have diabetes.

3. Ideas and inspiration
The ads are focused at a multilevel for manufacturing for businesses to sell and a personal connection to the consumer for repetitive business. The ideas we will push are the idea to eat heath because our product is all natural.

Rough Logo's:

Assignment 1 - Third Rough Drafts/Thumbnails


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ted talk assigment

TED Talk
Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds
Feb. 2010

I picked this TED talk video because I thought the subject was very interesting. Temple Grandin was diagnosed with autism as a child and she explains how her mind works differently. Thinking with pictures instead of verbal language and being able to solve problems most people will not even see because of how their minds work. Autism minds pay attention to details instead of just the broad scenario. She talks how important is for kids to have good mentors that inspire them to learn and be better. She thinks doing hands on activities are very useful specially for kids with autism and unfortunately these days things are getting too abstract and they are getting rid of such activities.
The world needs to accept all the kinds of minds and make them work together for a better future, her words touched me since I have attention deficit disorder and while growing up I struggled with school in the verbal language area and I also thought in pictures.
I haven’t watch the movie of her life yet but now ill definitely see it, she is inspiring.